Of course the air round an Indian village is full of all kinds of smells, and to any creature who does nearly all his thinking through his nose, smells are as maddening as music and drugs are to human beings. I have seen and smelled the blood of the woman that gave me food--the wo...
olfaction (redirected fromSmell receptors) Dictionary Medical Encyclopedia Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> smell scent nose olfaction noun Synonyms for olfaction Roget's WordNet nounthe sense by which odors are perceived ...
Recent Examples of Synonyms for tastes appetites undergoes likes smells Noun The decades-long way of making money in the film and TV industry has been turned upside down by new technologies, changing public appetites and the globalization of the workforce. Defne Karabatur, Los Angeles Times, 30 ...
If something is aromatic, it smells good. Think fragrant roses, savory spices, freshly cut grass, or spring rain.Aromatic derives from the Greek aromatikos, meaning “sweet spice.” It is related to aroma, but there is one key difference between the meanings of the two words. While ...
" and "funky" — but not funky in a "get on with your bad self" good way, just funky bad. If you walk into a malodorous room, you might start checking the bottoms of your shoes to see if you stepped in something, and if a plate of malodorous food is served, you might cover ...
Ah, the holiday feast: hours of anticipation and mouth-watering smells, followed by even longer hours of torpor and pie once the meal has been consumed. During this time, overstuffed guests might engage in conversation, watch TV and fall into a food coma, or perhaps the more intrepid might...
Gallery curator's nose for success; Wide range of smells will greet visitors They provide the fresh, zesty, clean smelling odours needed for washing powders. Ahh, good old washing powder... the aroma that reminds us Welsh of our mams It would be acceptable smelling it in the house but it...
Synonyms for rind Collins Roget's WordNet nounskin Synonyms skin peel outer layer epicarp nouncrust Synonyms crust covering shell husk integument Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 ...
Food is unpalatable if it tastes or smells terrible, but other non-edible things can also be described this way, if just thinking about them makes you cringe. You might find it unpalatable that some people starve while others have much more than they need, for example. Unpalatable is the ...
Island Food Studies conducted on lemongrass tea by the Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi (FIIRO) confirmed the anti-malaria activity of the water extract of Lemongrass. How herbal teas boost good health Refreshing for summers and equally pleasing for winters, I was served with a gl...