Synonyms for ordered adjhaving a systematic arrangement Antonyms unordered disordered adjdisposed or placed in a particular kind of order Synonyms arranged adjmarked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts Synonyms
Synonyms for apparently in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for apparently. 27 synonyms for apparently: seemingly, outwardly, ostensibly, speciously, it appears that, allegedly, it seems that, on the face of it, by all accounts... What are synonyms for apparent
Recent Examples of Synonyms for discontented dissatisfied frustrated annoyed Adjective Trump asked his secretaries after a reporter asked the president if any Cabinet members were dissatisfied with Musk's role. Eric Lagatta, USA TODAY, 27 Feb. 2025 Customers were dissatisfied when orders were late ...
Synonyms for DIRECTED: channeled, channelled, funneled, conducted, carried, funnelled, piped, channelized; Antonyms of DIRECTED: followed, observed, kept, obeyed, minded, complied (with), cancelled, canceled
This option enables you to specify additional synonyms by providing a list of the synonyms for the tables in the Extract File. When you select Option 4 SYNONYMS on the CREATE Process menu, the CREATE Additional Synonyms panel is displayed. Assume the Extract File that has been specified ...
be too late for skive truant malinger be absent play hookey cut class absent yourself be AWOL miss school play truant skip classes “You will be expelled from this school if you cut class again.” Verb ▲ To abridge or shorten abridge edit shorten abbreviate condense precis summariseUK summ...
as insomeone following orders without question View definitions foryes man yes man nounas insomeone following orders without question Compare Synonyms Synonyms Weak matches apple-polisher ass-kisser assenter bootlicker brownnose camp follower doormat ...
Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography: Style:MLAChicagoAPA "regressive." LLC, 2025. Web. 6 Mar. 2025. <>. Are we missing a good synonym forregressive? Add it Here!
take the following sentences for example: (1) for 51、the next few minutes the spokeswoman answered questions. (2) china replied to america s violation of the sino-us trade agreement with imposing punitive tax on american exports to china.(3) his audiences responded to his speech ...
“Reporters waited patiently for the spokesperson to return an answer after he was asked a pertinent question.” Verb ▲ To go back to a previous, and usually lower or unwanted, state or level regress retrograde retrogress revert recede relapse backslide drift back go back lapse retrocede slip...