Synonyms for valuable Collins Roget's WordNet adjuseful Synonyms useful important profitable worthwhile beneficial valued helpful worthy of use of help invaluable serviceable worth its weight in gold Antonyms useless trivial pointless worthless trifling insignificant unimportant silly adjtreasured Synonyms treasu...
Recent Examples on the Web This will be a core emotion like feeling unworthy, unseen, unlovable, unvalued, inadequate, insignificant, helpless, or rejected. Finnian Kelly, TIME, 8 July 2024 What a world in which her labour went unvalued, perhaps unnoticed altogether. Hazlitt, 12 July 2023 Ex...
Synonyms for affection in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for affection. 34 synonyms for affection: fondness, liking, feeling, love, care, desire, passion, warmth, attachment, goodwill, devotion, kindness, inclination, tenderness... What are synonyms for affec
Synonyms for RESPECT: regard, reference, admiration, appreciation, praise, esteem, reverence, adoration; Antonyms of RESPECT: condemnation, disdain, contempt, disapproval, scorn, disregard, disappointment, indignation
Ms Bain added she valued meeting the family and hearing their views. FromBBC Is that a matter of ethics in your view? FromLos Angeles Times But as television viewing habits have changed, so should the metric for success for the Oscars, said academy Chief Executive Bill Kramer. ...
And when cows moo, whether they're feeling low or not, you can cay that they low. Definitions of low adjective less than normal in degree or intensity or amount “low prices” “the reservoir is low” synonyms: debased, degraded, devalued lowered in value depressed, down lower ...
Needsynonyms for pride? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Noun Consciousness of one's own dignity The quality of having an excessively high opinion of oneself or one's importance A feeling or deep satisfaction from one's own achievements, or ...
held in great esteem for admirable qualities especially of an intrinsic nature “preciousmemories” synonyms:valued worthy having worth or merit or value; being honorable or admirable adjective characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for ...
single-valued function singly singsong sing-song singular singular form singular matrix singularise singularity singularize singularly singultus Sinhala Sinhalese sinister sinistral sinistrality sinistromanual sinistrorsal sinistrorse Sinitic Sinitic language sink sink in sinkable sinker sinkhole Sinkiang sinking ...
Synonyms for rhymed adjhaving corresponding sounds especially terminal sounds Synonyms rhyming riming Antonyms rhymeless rimeless unrhymed unrimed Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.