adjectiveas infully committed ambitious adjectiveas indesiring success bent on adjectiveas indecided upon Viewing5/106related words Quiz Q: What part of the plant can vegetables come from? the root the leaves the stem all of the above
Synonyms for SINGLE: unmarried, unwed, unattached, separated, divorced, unpaired, marriageable, fancy-free; Antonyms of SINGLE: attached, married, wedded, paired, wed, mated, engaged, committed
View definitions forsingle-minded single-minded adjectiveas inresolute Compare Synonyms SynonymsAntonyms Strongest matches determined relentless steadfast stubborn Weak matches artless firm guileless inflexible obsessed persistent rigid staunch unbending
Definitions ofcommitted adjective bound or obligated, as under a pledge to a particular cause, action, or attitude “committedchurch members” “acommittedMarxist” synonyms: bound up,wrapped up deeply devoted to pledged,sworn bound by or as if by an oath ...
Synonyms for CERTAIN: one, some, unnamed, unspecified, anonymous, specific, unidentified, given; Antonyms of CERTAIN: known, named, specified, uncertain, doubtful, unsure, dubious, hesitant
In India, Human Rights record since few decades surpasses the adjective 'poor' and has hit its superlative degree: poorest. Human Rights Day The Philippines today looks like the France that Charles Dickens saw when he wrote: 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was ...
The word "motivated" is an adjective, and adjectives are perfect fordescribing nouns and pronouns. In this case, the word "motivated" describes your enthusiasm and drive. Here’s a list of 25 of the best synonyms for "motivated" on a resume. Each one will add a spark to your resume: ...
attached,committed associated in an exclusive sexual relationship adjective enveloped “a castleinvolvedin mist” synonyms: enclosed closed in or surrounded or included within adjective entangled or hindered as if e.g. in mire “the difficulties in which the question isinvolved” ...
It is worth finding a synonym for "good" because the synonym is likely to express why something is positive and have a connotation that enriches the adjective. A. true B. false 5 not attemptedTrue or false? In some contexts, "good" can be perceived as negative. A. true B. false...
Top 20 Synonyms for 'Experienced' on a Resume The word 'experienced' is an adjective perfect for describing yourkey skillsand background. The best synonyms for 'experienced' on a resume are also adjectives. Here’s a list of 20 synonyms that you can use when writing your resume: ...