present participle of call (for) 1as in demandingto ask for (something) earnestly or with authority with an eye to the expected rush, the manager called for additional waiters Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance demanding pressing (for) insisting (on) clamoring (for) requiring ...
speak (for) call (for) demand sue (for) invite solicit plead (for) ask (for) claim apply (for) invoke wish (for) bespeak importune beg (for) enjoin press (for) insist (on) clamor (for) exact petition (for) requisition 3...
synonyms—中文近义词工具包 Synonyms:Chinese Synonyms for Natural Language Processing and Understanding. 更好的中文近义词:聊天机器人、智能问答工具包。 synonyms可以用于自然语言理解的很多任务:文本对齐,推荐算法,相似度计算,语义偏移,关键字提取,概念提取,自动摘要,搜索引擎等。 synonyms安装命令: pip install synonym...
Tag synonyms for callout Incorrectly tagged questions are hard to find and answer. If you know of common, alternate spellings or phrasings for this tag, add them here so we can automatically correct them in the future. For example, suggest “bike” as a synonym for bicycle, or “sock”...
Synonyms for prostitute in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for prostitute. 55 synonyms for prostitute: whore, hooker, pro, brass, tart, hustler, moll, call girl, courtesan, working girl, harlot, streetwalker, camp follower, loose woman. What are synonyms for pr
Advertisement View definitions forhairy hairy adjectiveas inhaving much hair Strongest matches furry fuzzy shaggy unshaven woolly Strong match hirsute Weak matches bearded bewhiskered bristly bushy downy fleecy flocculent fluffy lanate pileous piliferous ...
In more general contexts, we call the people weloveloved ones. You might call someonemy loveas a term of endearment, much likemydearormydarling. Someone who is welllovedis often described asbeloved. As a verb, there are a few synonyms that are sometimes used forlove, such asadore,admire...
For accessing tables or views, a partial workaround is to use encapsulating views as an abstraction layer. Similarly, you can use functions or stored procedures that call other functions or stored procedures. Note Synonyms are often used in conjunction with linked server...
Synonyms for Call for the question in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Call for the question. 6 words related to previous question: parliamentary law, parliamentary procedure, rules of order, order, motion, gesture. What are synonyms for Call for the questio
These words have been used throughout the later 1900s to refer to cool things. They are good examples of how commonly negative words are flipped into positive terms, a process linguists callamelioration. chill It is pretty strange that it took until the late 1980s for the frosty wordchillto...