Synonyms for thresh in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for thresh. 42 synonyms for thresh: flail, thrash, assail, assault, baste, batter, beat, belabor, buffet, drub, hammer, pound, pummel, smash, thrash, lambaste, clobber... What are synonyms for thresh?
Synonyms for threshold unit in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for threshold unit. 32 synonyms for threshold: entrance, doorway, door, doorstep, sill, doorsill, start, beginning, opening, dawn, verge, brink, outset, starting point, inception. What are synonyms
Synonyms for SCENT: fragrance, aroma, fragrancy, perfume, balm, incense, bouquet, attar; Antonyms of SCENT: stench, stink, reek, malodor, fetor, deodorize, stink up
Synonyms for DEBUT: premiere, appearance, arrival, start, beginning, emergence, launch, advent; Antonyms of DEBUT: period, completion, finish, closing, termination, closure, stop, cessation
But that came with its own challenges – cramped, and often too hot or cold, depending on the weather. FromBBC The European Copernicus climate service, one of the main global data providers, said on Friday that 2024 was the first calendar year to pass the symbolic threshold, as well as ...
English Definition threshold Simplified Script 阈值 Traditional Script 閾值 Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense.May need to scroll content.) (名) As a noun A region marking a boundary. English synonyms: verge, brink, threshold Synonyms: 边沿, 边缘 New Search Wildcard...
Eliyama Philip, who takes care of Khan's son, said she first noticed the shadow of a man near the bathroom door late at night while she was in the child's room with the nanny. FromBBC He called on the government to lower the NI threshold over time, rather than the few months' not...
Find 42 different ways to say LEADOFF, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at
Synonyms for UNCOVER: reveal, discover, disclose, tell, expose, share, announce, divulge; Antonyms of UNCOVER: conceal, hide, cover (up), veil, mask, cloak, disguise, shroud
Synonyms for BIRTH: nativity, parenting, mothering, genesis, maternity, fathering, origination, generation; Antonyms of BIRTH: abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, seed, issue, progeny, posterity, offspring