One of two or more words corresponding in meaning but of different languages; a heteronym. That which is meant or intended; intent; purpose; aim; object; as, a mischievous meaning was apparent. That which is signified, whether by act lanquage; signification; sense; import; as, the meaning...
下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 当前评论用户 亦鸿读书 861191682 简介:自从参加了半月读书会,一发而不可收拾,《论语》、《大学》、《中庸》等都恨不得一下子读完,古人云:“书读百遍,其义自见。”之前读这些文章脑袋都大,但随着一遍遍读下来,也没有那么晦涩难懂了。读国学经典,感受先贤之睿智,体悟民...
Synonyms for absurd 229 results - goofy, nonsense, senseless, monstrous ... - 44 meanings and 229 other words for the word absurd
In this page you can discover 61 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for smitten, like: taken,sex, stricken, infatuated, clouted, in-love, infatuate, excite, struck, taken with and enamored. What is a synonym for smitten? Synonyms of 'smitten' I was utterly infatuat...
In this page you can discover 42 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hopelessly, like: automatically, gloomily, cynically, pessimistically, despondently, despairingly, dejectedly, desperately, mechanically, emptily and spiritlessly.Is...
Humanities What is a synonym for mellow?Question:What is a synonym for mellow?SynonymsSynonyms are two or more words that have similar meanings. These words can be used interchangeably, but the meaning of what you are saying stays the same. ...
Make sure you don't go too far over the top.Think zany, not crazy.On the flip side, don't sell yourself short. For example, if you are quiet and reserved but have a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, use that dry humor to begin your essay. ...
A class is divided into groups of four or five people. Groups need to find something in the room that begins with each letter of the alphabet. The first group to find items for all the letters in the alphabet reads the words aloud. The group wins if its words are correct. If not, ...
4Play on Words Wordplay makes it easy for writers to incorporate brief elements of humor into their writings. Authors use wordplay to lighten the mood and help readers connect with the characters and themes. They might use puns, banter, blended words or catchphrases to grab the reader's atten...
A teacher can help students overcome feelings of intimidation by preparing a bulletin board filled with cognates—words that are similar or the same in English. Examples of cognates are “no,”“director” and “animal.” When students realize that they already know many words in Spanish, they...