17增长至:Growto,riseto,increaseto,goupto,climbto,ascendto,jumpto,shootto 18降低至:Dipto,fallto,declineto,decreaseto,dropto,godownto,reduceto,slumpto,descendto,sinkto,slideto 19保持稳定:Levelout,donotchange,remainstable,remainstill,remainsteady,bestable,maintainthesamelevel,remainunchanged,bestill...
22. create=introduce =invent=make sth. do sth.=be the cause=lead to sth v. 发明 23. organize =co-ordinate=anrange =set out=put something in order=line up v.组织:使协 24. public event=communal activity 公众、社交活动 25. aviation disaster=sky accident=air crash 空难 26. prompt=result...
regional, emotional, or other differences to consider. ... Two lexemes might be synonymous in one sentence but different in another:rangeandselectionare synonyms inWhat a nice __ of furnishings
The Random Synonym Generator contains 1000+ words and their synonyms to help you improve your vocabulary.
Wenzhou South Chekiang area politics, the economy, the culture, the transportation as well as the trade center, are one of our country first batch opening to the outside world coastal port cities.Within the boundaries the tourist resources gather together, suffers two state-level traveling scenic...
Now I'm gonna give you three seconds to think of it but if you need a little longer that's totally okay, just use the pause button.我希望你能够在脑海中搜索一个替代的单词,一个更高级的英语单词,这个单词将帮助你表达同样的意思,但是是以一种看起来更加高级的方式。我将给大家三秒钟的时间思考...
With all sorts of synonyms for words, it can be hard to find what you're looking for. So, here are ten online synonym dictionaries that can help.
When you're hanging out at the pool or beach, it's smart to protect your skin with a generous layer of sunscreen. Sunscreen does an admirable job of blocking UV rays, but if it gets on your bathing suit, it can leave behind a greasy stain. If sunscreen m
• Audio facility provided which correctly reads out the term with proper pronunciation. We Welcome feedback from our users and they constantly guide us to improve our app. Please provide your valuable feedback and please give rating to the app. 更多 新...
Strains labelled Enterobacter cancerogenus (Erwinia cancerogena) and strains labelled Enterobacter taylorae were found to constitute a single DNA-relatedness group (S1 nuclease hybridization method). Furthermore, no phenotypic test among the conventional and nutritional tests performed could differentiate En...