✓To entice by charm or attraction ⏹Charm vt.✓[~s customers with his suave manner]✓[~ a snake]vi.⏹Captivate Vt.✓To influence and dominate by some special charm, art or trait and with an irresistible appeal.⏹Fascinate Vt.✓[believed that the serpent could ~ its prey]...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to synonymity:semanteme,antonymy syn·o·nym (sĭn′ə-nĭm′) n. 1.A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a language. ...
(construed with with) Of, or being a synonym. Synonym A word whose meaning is the same as that of another word. Synonymous Such that both its forms yield the same sequenced protein. Synonym A word or phrase with a meaning that is the same as, or very similar to, another word or phra...
SYNONYM WORDS STARTING WITHLETTER – O Synoynm words in English. Please follow the list; “Synonym” means a word which has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word in the same language. To reach detailedsynonym words listwith O ( synonym words starting with letter – O), foll...
How to Use ‘Helped’ Synonyms in a Resume? Now that you've got your arsenal of synonyms ready to go, it's time to wield them with finesse. Here are a few tips to ensure you're using them effectively: 1. Review the Job Ad Begin with the job advertisement. It's the perfect place...
A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word, while a thesaurus is a reference book or tool listing words grouped together according to similarity of meaning.
C# 複製 public Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.SchemaObjectName ForName { get; set; } Property Value SchemaObjectName Applies to 產品版本 Microsoft.SQLServer.DacFx 140.3881.1, 150.18208.0, 160.2004021.0, 161.6374.0, 161 本文內容 Definition Applies to 中文...
order by to_char(hire_date,’YYYY’); 联接视图: desc hr.emp_details_view set long 5000 select text from dba_views where view_name=upper(‘emp_details_view’) with read only 验证视图有效性: 基本表的一些改变可能会导致视图无效: 1) 改变出现在视图中列的名称,或删掉列 ...
transitive verb. :to stretch out: extend. What is the verb of spark? transitive verb. 1 :to set off in a burst of activity: activate the question sparked a lively discussion —often used with off. 2 : to stir to activity : incite sparked her team to victory. spark. noun (2) ...
Example The following example add the synonym CREATED_BY_USER to the CREATED_BY attribute of the UI Defaults Attribute Dictionary within the workspace associated with the current schema. BEGIN apex_ui_default_update.add_ad_synonym ( p_column_name => 'CREATED_BY', ...