sync: sync-subclassof sync-synonyms # Synchronization: SubclassOf .PHONY: sync-subclassof sync-subclassof: $(REPORTDIR)/sync-subClassOf.confirmed.tsv $(REPORTDIR)/ $(TMPDIR)/sync-subClassOf.added.self-parentage.tsv @@ -598,24 +599,26 @@ $(REPORTDI...
@@ -273,16 +288,8 @@ def sync_synonyms( # -- filter out rows with no types; can cause duplicate rows (other rows were probably from xref axioms) source_types_df = source_types_df[source_types_df['synonym_type'] != '']
SyncDatabase SynchronousMessage SyncServer 同義字 SynonymError SynonymWarning SystemDiagram SystemInfo SystemResources 索引標籤 資料表 TableAdapter TableAlignBottom TableAlignMiddle TableAlignTop TableError TableFillDown TableFillLeft TableFillRight TableFunction TableFunctionError TableFunctionWarning TableGroup Table...
Checks out a read-only snapshot of a Hyperdrive at a particular version. constfs=require('fs')constCorestore=require('corestore')constHyperdrive=require('hyperdrive')constdrive=newHyperdrive(newCorestore('storage'))awaitdrive.put('/fst-file.txt',fs.readFileSync('fst-file.txt'))constversion=dri...
Your iOS devices and your iTunes library allow you to sync content from multiple Apple IDs. Even if you set up the Apple IDs for different countries, after you authorize an Apple ID, you can access the content purchased from that iTunes Store. On your iOS device, select the "Settings" ...
Press "Confirm" to create the new event, or, if the information is incorrect, press "Cancel" and then press the microphone to repeat your request. Connect your iPhone to a wireless hot spot and then open the Calendar app to sync your items....
6Pro: Turnout When voting is as simple as taking a few minutes to log on to a website, it stands to reason that more people will do it. This type of voting could play a key role in increasing voter turnout, especially among voters aged 18 to 29 -- a group that makes up over ...
Note on each note card whether you are quoting directly, paraphrasing or summarizing. In the flurry of note taking, it is easy to forget to add quotation marks to a direct quote. You do not want to come back to your note cards days later and not remember whether what you wrote down wa...
A process report, or essay, explains how something is done or how something came about. It can be written in detailed step-by-step instructions or in a story format with the instructions subtly threaded throughout the narrative. A process essay has no minimum or maximum length, but five par...
SRA Reading Laboratory programs work by color-coding portions of reading materials according to the reading ability level required. It emphasizes the role of the student in directing his own learning, assessing his own skills as he works his way up through the levels. The age range runs from ...