Description of the illustration alter_synonym.eps Semantics PUBLIC SpecifyPUBLICifsynonymis a public synonym. You cannot use this clause to change a public synonym to a private synonym, or vice versa. schema Specify the schema containing the synonym. If you omitschema, then Oracle Database assumes...
More specifically, based on adjacencies of words within the names, the synonym module formulates a set of synonym rules specifying permissible ways of spelling a single word as multiple words (or vice-versa). The synonym module applies the synonym rules to the names, and if one of the ...
Two synonym groups are defined in this example. In the last group,International Business Machinesis defined as a synonym foribmand vice versa. The following directory contains sample synonym input files:server-home/config/samples/synonyms, in whichserver-homeis the root directory for the installed ...
If an entry exists indrive.versionof thefolderbut not inversion, then left is set and right will be null, and vice versa. await drive.downloadDiff(version, folder, [options]) Downloads all the blobs infoldercorresponding to entries indrive.checkout(version)that are not indrive.version. In ot...
As of yet As well as Bear in mind Bear with me Besides Callous Copacetic Duly noted Eponymous Facetious Few For all intents and purposes For example Genuflect Implications Indubitably Loquacious Mea culpa Misnomer Presumptuous Protagonist Touch base Undoubtedly Verbiage Vice versa Interesting topics Parts...
C0-founder of No Goblin studios, Dan Teasdale on Roundabout, indie games development and the console race between PS4 and Xbox One.
” The DJ will yell “Coke,” and all the Pepsis will have to run to the Coke side of the room and sit on their partner’s knee (and vice versa). The last pair is out. Continue this process until only one pair remains. Variations include yelling “Mountain Dew,” which means ...
Spotify has direct agreements with record labels and other rights holders that restrict what albums and artists users can listen to across select countries. Some songs that are available for play in your region might not be available in other locations, and vice versa. If you selected the wrong...
Write the verb in a form that matches the form of the noun. For example, the word "dogs" is plural in the above sentence, so "lick" must also be in a plural form. You cannot use a plural for the noun and a singular for the verb or vice versa. "Dogs licks" would be incorrect...
Read poems, passages or even a book that is written in Pennsylvania Dutch and then translated into English (or vice versa). Comparing phrases and sentences will allow you to pick up the language more quickly. You can find these resources online or in stores. ...