a situation in which someone is tricked into doing something or is made to seem guilty of something they did not do: When drugs were found in her luggage, she claimed it was a set-up. What is set up example? Setup is defined as the way in which something is arranged, or a contest...
and comes in shades of green, gold and reddish-purple. The symbolism of the jewel beetle remains somewhat obscure; however, it may have been associated with Osiris, lord of the underworld. According to Egyptian myth, Osiris was tricked by his brother Seth, and became...
Son of Zeus and the nymph Maia, Hermes was a trickster from birth. His role as the messenger of the gods gave him free ingress and egress from the Underworld and the additional duty of leading souls there after they had departed their bodies. Hermes is also said to have invented the lyre...