15导致:Leadto,bringabout,resultin,cause,sparkoff,conduceto,procure,induce,generate 16因此:So,therefore,thus,hence,consequently,asaconsequence,accordingly,asaresult,becauseofthis,asaresultofthis 17增长至:Growto,riseto,increaseto,goupto,climbto,ascendto,jumpto,shootto 18降低至:Dipto,fallto,declineto...
its prey]✓[was ~ by the carnivals]vi.✓[the novel’s flamb oyant cover ~s]⏹Enchant Vt.✓[the scene ~ed her to the point of tears]SYN:1Owing this note to my friend LIU Ming and WANG Shaorong, who never hesitate to offer me help in any case.Copyright reserved 1/ 16 ...
We also offer alearning vocabulary system based on the science of learning. You swipe a card to the right if you know the meaning of the word. If you are unsure about a word's meaning, you can tap or click the card to see the meaning, then swipe the card to the left to review ...
What is the synonym of proposition? propositionnoun. Synonyms:offer(of something to be considered), proffer, tender, overture, suggestion, PROPOSAL. What is culprit antonym? culprit. Antonyms: example,pattern, model, hero, saint. Synonyms: offender, criminal, delinquent, malefactor. ...
While synonyms offer numerous benefits, their indiscriminate use can sometimes lead to confusion or ambiguity. It is essential to select synonyms judiciously, considering context, audience, and intended meaning. Additionally, some synonyms may have subtle differences in connotation or usage, ...
Without an adaptive search system, the user might believe the platform doesn’t offer what they’re looking for. But with Auto Synonym in place, the search seamlessly includes synonyms like “sofa” or “couch,” ensuring the user is presented with a range of options to choose from. These ...
Paragraphs are the building blocks of essay development and provide structure when developing the thesis of a paper. Development of a paragraph is necessary to avoid leaving the reader with any significant unanswered questions. A fully developed paragrap
Please see Terms of Use. Graphics Purchased and used with permission from Scrappin Doodles #94836, EduClips, The Enlightened Elephant, MelonHeadz I offer free printables to bless my readers AND to provide for my family. Your frequent visits to my blog & support purchasing through affiliates ...
When you offer after a service, it’stip. To kidnappers, it’sransom. Illegally received in the name of service, it’sbribe. Thequestionis ”when aHusbandgives it to hisWifewhat do we call it?? Conclusion In conclusion, money takes many different forms in the English language, from physi...
Explain yourself and apologize. Tell your mother what was going through your head when you committed the offending act. Perhaps you weren't thinking rationally or you were in a rush. In either case, you must offer her some kind of assurance that the problem won't resurface, asserts clinical...