14消除:Eliminate,clear,remove,clearup,takeaway,smoothaway 15导致:Leadto,bringabout,resultin,cause,sparkoff,conduceto,procure,induce,generate 16因此:So,therefore,thus,hence,consequently,asaconsequence,accordingly,asaresult,becauseofthis,asaresultofthis 17增长至:Growto,riseto,increaseto,goupto,climbto,...
FirstOfFourColumns FirstOfFourRows FirstOfThreeColumns FirstOfThreeRows FirstOfTwoColumns FirstOfTwoRows FitSelection FitToScreen FixedLayoutAppApplication 旗標 FlagBlue FlagDarkBlue FlagDarkGreen FlagDarkPurple FlagDarkRed FlagGreen FlagGroup FlagOutline FlagPurple FlagRed FlagTurquoise FlatCap FlatList Fla...
What does it mean to call someone a gargoyle? Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: A fictional winged creature. gargoylenoun.An ugly woman. What is an antonym for gargoyle? Noun. Opposite of anugly person.Adonis.beauty.belle. ...
Laissez-faire is a French phrase that has become part of the English language. It simply means 'let it do.' Answer and Explanation: The most common synonym, a word with the same meaning, is nonintervention. Most commonly, laissez-faire refers to an attitude of letting things take...Beco...
Brace yourself for a list of game-changing alternatives that will take your resume from bland to grand: 1. Assisted 2. Supported 3. Aided 4. Contributed to 5. Facilitated 6. Collaborated on 7. Bolstered 8. Backed up 9. Pitched in with 10. Partnered with Looks impressive, doesn’t it?
Nearly all people miss something about home when they are away, so the absolute prevalence of homesickness isclose to 100%, mostly in a mild form. Is homesick a character trait? Abstract. Several authors have suggested that homesickness involvessome vulnerable personality characteristics. ... It ap...
I had connections on car lots across the US and charitable organizations that collect “dead” cars that are supposed to be given away as charitable donations. I’ve tried to be cured of my car fetish. Once, I had the air let out of tires directly in my nostrils. After 8 tires my ...
某公司要将现有机械生产线(已使用5年)改造成自动化生产线,提高生产率。旧设备现可以1700万元价格处理掉(已扣除拆卸费用)。该公司的基准收益率为15%,所得税税率33%。更新改造所需资金全部为自有资金。有关资料见表4。 表4 资料表 (单位:万元) 项 目 目前状况 更新改造后状况 操作人员工资 ...
It's a nightmare to remove ink or ink stains from clothes, but luckily, getting ink, like pen ink or marker stains, off your skin isn't nearly as difficult as other stain removal. Water-based inks, such as those used in washable markers, fade away with just a bit of soap and scrubb...