Twitter Google Share on Facebook synonym (redirected fromsynonymity) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Related to synonymity:semanteme,antonymy synonym synonym(sĭnˈənĭm)[Gr.,=having the same name], word having a meaning that is the same as or very similar to the meaning of another word of...
Theverb desegregateis the opposite of segregate, or "separate by race or religion." Both words are often used in connection with the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. What is the difference between segregate and separate? As verbs the difference between segregate and separate ...
The Jehovah's Witnesses' practice of shunning isprotected under the first amendment of theUnited States Constitution and therefore under the provisions of the Washington state constitution. What is the purpose of shunning? shunning, social control mechanism used most commonly in small tight-knitsocial...
2Body The body paragraphs succinctly express the essay's main idea. Body paragraphs usually have three components: a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence. The topic sentence states the paragraph's main idea. The supporting sentences support and add to the topic sentence wh...
”Notallrepetitionisredun- dant,however,andvarietyisoften thespinachoflife.Thiscolumnex- ploresthevicesandvirtuesofinele- gantvariation,consistency,repeti- tion,andultaquisticsubterfuge. InelegantVariation Inelegantvariationisthetechnique bywhichawriterusesdifferentterms toidentifyoneperson,place,thing,or ...