Allow your mom to vent. This lets her burn off some of the anger. In addition, listen carefully, as her anger might be stemming from a deeper issue, rather than your latest actions. Feelings of anger often stem from a feeling of lack of control, suggests psychologist Tom Stevens. For ex...
The theory of multiple intelligences was developed by Howard Gardner as a response to the classical view of intelligence. There are eight types of multiple intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, visual-spatial, interpersonal, naturalist, intrapersonal and musical-rhythmic. Know...
having some of their therapy sessions in the classroom reinforces the inclusion concept since they do not have to be taken out of the classroom. This is also an excellent way for the therapists and teachers to coordinate efforts in teaching the child, allowing for carryover from...
You do not need a degree to work as a music producer. For directors and composers -- a similar field to music producers -- the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics advises that you have discipline, musical talent, leadership, perseverance and interpersonal and promotional skills. A college degree...
taking turns, and engaging in cooperative play. Nonverbal and verbal communication skills are also important for the special needs preschooler to master. Goals for higher-functioning preschoolers can include developing friendships, understanding facial expressions and social cues among other interpersonal ...
of the effects of tragedy on a family. Try taking classes in communication psychology, interpersonal psychology, psychology of the family or the psychology of disability. Similarly, sociological issues can affect the well-being of children and their families. Impoverished families, for example, may ...
Synthesis refers to the evaluation level of learning. Activities that implement evaluation include class debates which require students to take a stance and defend a position with facts. Writing fact-based persuasive essays using research such as statistics and persuasive vocabulary add to evaluation. ...