What are the keywords associated with this text? Keywords include Synonymy, semantics, lexicography, dictionaries, thesauruses, meaning, denotation, connotation, strict synonymy, loose synonymy, lexical relations, Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms, and Roget's Thesaurus. ...
If synonym dictionaries are associated with the system, you can select one to use when searching a collection. If a query term matches a term in the dictionary, then result documents that contain synonyms of that term are also returned in the search results. ...
Synonym, word or phrase that has the same meaning as another one. It is formed from the Greek words syn, meaning “together,” and onyma, meaning “name.” Examples of synonyms include clever and intelligent, or attractive and pretty. By contrast, antony
Will adding a synonym map for similar terms, boost the search score of the search term that was present inside a synonym map since all the synonyms get matched?
What is the suffix of able? -able. a suffix meaning “capable of, susceptible of, fit for, tending to, given to,” associated in meaning with the word able, occurring in loanwords from Latin (laudable); used in English as a highly productive suffix to form adjectives by addition to ste...
An edict isa decree or announcement of a law, often associated with monarchism, but it can be under any official authority. Synonyms include "dictum" and "pronouncement". Edict derives from the Latin edictum. What are the 50 examples of synonyms?
Each hyperdrive is associated with an ed25519 private-public keypair derived from a BIP-39 master node and a name for the drive. What is known as the discovery key is a blake2b hash value of the public key. Hyperdrives can be discovered, read, and seeded by peers on a network. The ...
Example The following example add the synonym CREATED_BY_USER to the CREATED_BY attribute of the UI Defaults Attribute Dictionary within the workspace associated with the current schema. BEGIN apex_ui_default_update.add_ad_synonym ( p_column_name => 'CREATED_BY', ...
defined term that the progress of technological development can and likely will be used for the betterment of mankind. The position is has more considered and futurist connotations compared to technophilia.Ray Kurzweil's optimistic futurist predictions are strongly associated with the idea of techno-...
Returns the ServerVersion of the Server that contains the object. If the object is not associated with a connected Server, the highest known server version is returned. (Inherited from SqlSmoObject) State Returns the state of the object (Inherited from SmoObjectBase) Urn Returns the Urn...