but one is more likely tomakea cake butconstructa building, which is a more complex undertaking. Lists of synonyms are useful when we are struggling to write and looking for just the right word, but each word must be considered in light of its specific definition. Notes at the bottom of ...
your heart pounds, or you get an uneasy feeling in your stomach. By noticing and labeling these signs, you are more likely to address the situation with a more rational outlook, suggests licensed clinical worker Julie Hanks in the "Psych Central" article "How to Stop Over...
30s, and 40s work to become financially stable, but you probably have gained some stability in your 50s. Now is the time to take a risk and do work that you love. You are also more likely to recognize your strengths and can make better career choices. ...
That's to say, a place where people meet socially (not necessarily to smoke opium or cannabis joints). In general, joint is definitely more likely to be used of a retail outlet if it sells food/drink rather than, say, clothes or newspapers. It also tends to imply the establishment is ...
Cognitive psychology Bilingualism and the Synonym Effect VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY Pamela Blewitt BrownElenaThis study compared monolingual and bilingual children's susceptibility to the synonym effect, which is the difficulty in learning synonyms found in young children. Bilingual children are more likely than ...
When reading is not a struggle, kids are more likely to enjoy it. That can only help improve their grades and--down the road--encourage them to stay in school. Daily practice in reading shouldn't take more than a half hour. Start with children as young as 6 years old who have been...
receive a dump of emotionally charged information squatly bound to the load component of the term, suggesting--even forcing--reactivity to foulness or an intolerable reek, funk, or dirtiness that may be more likely to cause a negative reaction in some than the use of th...
One of the simplest explanations is that it could bedue to your body requiring more rest than the average person. However, it is also likely that your tiredness is due to the lack of quality sleep at night, rather than the quantity of it. ...
To my ears it's more neutral than "childless" or even "no children", but it does have the problem that although most dependants are children, not all are. As pointed out by DanBron, if someone has a non-working spouse (which would come under your "in a committed relationship" cr...
Instead, users are more likely to switch the entire phrase to [1.01]. Hence, by only considering synonyms from more specific contexts, the system can avoid such false positives when attempting to detect pseudo-drops. N-Gram Agreement N-gram agreement occurs when adjacent words in a multi-word...