The meaning of SYNONYM is one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses. How to use synonym in a sentence. Some Differences Between Synonyms and Antonyms
10. Chinese consumers are so scared that it is natural for them to consider " Sanlu " a synonym for unsafe food. synonym 英英释义 noun 1. two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context ...
As well as is an expression that means “in addition to.” It’s used as a conjunction or preposition to connect two parts of a sentence, usually placing emphasis on the one that comes before it. Synonyms of “as well as” include “along with,”“besides,” and “plus.” Examples: ...
What is the word for words that mean the same thing? synonymous Add to list Share. If two words are synonymous, they mean the same thing. ... In addition to describing words with the same or similar meanings, you can use the adjective synonymous to describe things that are similar in ...
Teaching in a small space is stressful for the teacher, who has to adapt lesson plans to focus more on work that students can complete at their desks instead of group work or active projects that require more floor space. In addition, the teacher often does not have enough personal office ...
Consequently, it should be noted that where a specific isomer is listed in Part Two, for example l-ephedrine as a synonym for ephedrine, this should not be [...] 为此,应当指出,当在第二 部分列出某一特 定 同分 异构 体时,例如作为麻黄碱同 义 词的 l-麻 黄碱,不应将此理...
(使窘迫) by a social revolution, Silicon Valley is being by transformed by another technology revolution — one that is taking the world from connected to hyperconnected and individuals from empowered(授权) to superempowered. It is the biggest leap forward in the I.T. revolution since the ma ...
In addition, the proposed synonym data coherence mechanism also reduces the number of invalidated blocks in the virtual cache to prevent the destruction of cache locality. The simulation results show that our proposed energy-aware virtual cache consumes 51%, 27%, and 20% less energy than the ...
Navigating the complexities of grammar and style in writing can be challenging, but worry not—we're here to ease the process ... Paraphrasing Tool We understand the power of words, and that's why we offer an innovative paraphrasing tool to refine your writing. With ... ...
Check out our collection of synonym worksheets geared towards teaching kids words that mean the same thing. A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase, for example shut is a synonym of close.