It was time for annual reviews. I worked at “Jimmies Jingle Bells,” a small shop in the mall dedicated to “keeping the Christmas Spirit bright all through the year.” Jimmie’s parents had abandoned him and his sister Nell on Christmas Day when they were children. They lived like ...
Hi there, In the process of upgrading one of my clients from ES5.5.1 -> ES6.2.3, I got into an issue when trying to create an index in ES6. I worked out a small snippet to highlight my issue: PUT test { "settings": { "analysis": { "filte...
for he competed with the colony’s tradesmen who sold shoes imported from England. The steadfast cobbler successfully completed a single pair of shoes within an 8- to 10-hour period. In later years, cobblers worked together performing specific tasks and using a variety of tools....
5The Gift of Relaxation Your principal has worked hard for your school; now it's time for her to work hard at taking care of herself. Let your principal have some much-needed rest and relaxation by purchasing her a gift card to a local spa. She can get a massage, manicure, facial or...
Include your qualifications for writing the letter. This might be how well you know the supervisor and how closely you worked together, such as if you worked together on specific projects in the past. 5Write about the qualifications of your supervisor ...
I think it’s pretty depressing that “colorful” and “funny” are a synonym for “casual”. We want our games to be accessible and fun to everyone. I’m really happy that with Roundabout, we’ve made a game that both “casual” and “hardcore” people can enjoy in different w...
the black press spoke out about unfair and unjust treatment, while nonprofit organizations and social groups worked to further social reforms. For example, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense Fund was founded in 1940 to protect the legal rights of black Ameri...
Before you start sounding negative, think about how you can frame problem points in a positive way. Instead of writing, "Tommy is failing math," try something along the lines of, "Tommy's low math scores concern me. This is an area for improvement that we can work on together." Follow...
The net was almost as important as the bow and arrow for a Ute hunter. Women typically wove fibers together to make the nets, which the men used for fishing or for rabbit drives. 5Baskets Women also used their fiber-weaving skills to create baskets. These versatile containers could hold ma...
bigger picture and the individual concepts concern how the picture hangs together as a whole. According to Habermas, all knowledge -- scientific, ethical/moral, and aesthetic -- is based on implicit knowledge claims. The specifics of Habermas's theory are worked out in terms of individual ...