29. Fragile=brittle, vulnerable (someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically) 30. Show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means top make it clear to people.) 31. Big=massive (large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal (use this word, you emphasize something’s la...
What is a another word for disenfranchise? ineffectual, impotent, passive, ineffective, paralyzed, incapable, helpless, defenseless, vulnerable, inert, incarcerate, suppress, deprive, coerce, shackle, imprison, subjugate, oppress, disenfranchise, fetter. What is the synonym of oppress? Some common syn...
In this page you can discover 49 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for insecure, like: precarious,frail, loose, vulnerable, dangerous, anxious, shaky, hazardous, perilous, rickety and risky. What's another word for being jealous?
OverlayVulnerable OverlayWarning OverloadBehavior 重寫 覆寫 覆寫Overridden 套件 PackageDeployment PackageFolderClosed PackageFolderOpened PackageLayout PackageProperty PackageReference PageBody PageBodyGroup PageBreak PageCatalogPart PageContent PageFile PageFooter PageFooterGroup PageGuide PageHeader PageHeaderGroup ...
工程监理单位应当及时向有关主管部门报告。某施工合同于2003年6月5日生效,该工程于2003年6月15日开工。施工单位为现场从事危险作业的工人办理了意外伤害保险。该保险合同于2003年6月10日生效,被保险工人于2003年7月20日进场施工。该意外伤害保险期限自( )起至该工程竣工验收合格日止。
yourself. Have students look at theblueword on the card they hold. Start the game by showing and calling out theredword on your card. The students must look at their cards to see who has the blue word that is a synonym for the word you call out. That student should call out the ...
confused and vulnerable -- the Amalekites struck in a brutal manner. Basing his interpretation of the event on Oral Torah, Rashi claims they raped, castrated and murdered the Jewish men (Rashi, Deuteronomy 25:18). Joshua, Moses' disciple and righthand man, organized the Jews' military response...
OverlayVulnerable OverlayWarning OverloadBehavior 重寫 覆寫 覆寫Overridden 套件 PackageDeployment PackageFolderClosed PackageFolderOpened PackageLayout PackageProperty PackageReference PageBody PageBodyGroup PageBreak PageCatalogPart PageContent PageFile PageFooter PageFooterGroup PageGuide PageHeader PageHeaderGroup ...
Nearly all people miss something about home when they are away, so the absolute prevalence of homesickness isclose to 100%, mostly in a mild form. Is homesick a character trait? Abstract. Several authors have suggested that homesickness involvessome vulnerable personality characteristics. ... It ap...