A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word, while a thesaurus is a reference book or tool listing words grouped together according to similarity of meaning.
Synonyms for synonymity nounthe semantic relation that holds between two words that can (in a given context) express the same meaning Synonyms synonymousness synonymy Related Words semantic relation Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
The word synonym is therefore also commonly used for words that bear a strong resemblance to the headword despite being devoid of an exact correlation; the coinage near-synonym would be more appropriate in such cases. Context plays a significant role in synonymy, as terms such as close and ...
Alternating synonyms for the sake of variety is known as elegant variation. For example, let’s say you’re writing a research paper about dogs. If every sentence used the word dog, your writing would become repetitive, and your reader might lose interest. In this case, you’d want to...
Synonyms for Kids 31 related questions found What is definition of nuance? nuance \NOO-ahnss\ noun. 1 :a subtle distinction or variation. 2 : a subtle quality : nicety. 3 : sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value) ...
One embodiment of the present invention provides a system that identifies a synonym with N-gram agreement for a query phrase. During operation, the system receives a candidate synon
Triatoma williami Galvão, Souza, and Lima, 1965 was described based on specimens from the municipality of Piranhas, Goiás state, in honor of Dr. William Barbosa for his efforts to create a research institute in the region (Instituto de Patologia Tropical) [9]. This species also occurs in...
For a variation on normal review or typical letter-writing assignments, ask your students to imagine that a member of the class has been absent for the preceding lesson. Each student must write a letter to the absent student to fill him in on the material that he's missed. Allow the stud...
CamelCasenotation is a common name for the practice of writing compound words or phrases where the words are joined without spaces, and each word is capitalized within the compound. This practice is known by a large variety of names, includingBiCapitalization,InterCaps,MixedCase, etc. CamelCase...