wordbook- a reference book containing words (usually with their meanings) word finder,wordfinder- a thesaurus organized to help you find the word you want but cannot think of Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
If you are studying for the vocabulary portion of an exam, our vocabulary study game is the way to go. Personally, I passed many a vocab exam using this method. It works! Word Games: The Sea Scrambler and WORDTIGO To playWORDTIGOyou move to rotate the antonyms into the target before ...
Equity capital is sometimes used as a synonym for stockholders'equity . 该资本有时也作为 股东权益 (资产净值)的同义词. 期刊摘选 The colour is used as a synonym for environmentalism. 这种颜色已经成了环境保护论的同义词. 期刊摘选 It is usually used as a synonym for Free Software. 它通常是自由...
I'm gonna add the first three letters to the word to try and jog your memory or to help you remember what that word is. Then after another three seconds, I'm going to add that word in there and read the whole sentence through for you.我会写出单词的前三个字母,来帮助大家唤醒一下记...
A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word, while a thesaurus is a reference book or tool listing words grouped together according to similarity of meaning.
1.A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a language. 2.A word or expression that serves as a figurative or symbolic substitute for another:"Romeo has become a synonym for any youthful lover"(Harry Levin). ...
Therefore usually only carries on the right to the special-purpose part male to show with the registration, therefore creates altogether has the partial right boundary and the behavior in service is unclear.[translate] aThat’s great, we can now keep the labels with their information on I pres...
What is a antonym for smitten? Antonyms:unloving, unaffected. Synonyms: taken with(p), laid low(p), soft on(p), infatuated, afflicted, stricken, enamored, struck, potty, in love. What does the word smitten mean? 1 :deeply affected with or struck by strong feelings of attraction, affect...
for just the right word, but each word must be considered in light of its specific definition. Notes at the bottom of a dictionary entry—especially usage notes and synonym studies—are often where we’ll find the detailed information that allows us to improve (orrefineorpolish) our writing....
What is a stronger word for disrespectful? Synonyms & Antonyms of disrespectful discourteous, ill-bred, ill-mannered, impertinent, impolite, inconsiderate, rude, thoughtless, Is abrupt rude? Someone who is abrupt speaks in a rather rude, unfriendly way. He was abrupt to the point of rudeness....