1a : marked by arrogant assurance : domineering. b : befitting or characteristic of one of eminent rank or attainments : commanding, dominant an imperious manner. 2 :intensely compelling: urgent the imperious problems of the new age— J. F. Kennedy. What is polite disdain? If you feel disd...
Some common synonyms of compassion arecommiseration, condolence, pity, and sympathy. While all these words mean "the act or capacity for sharing the painful feelings of another," compassion implies pity coupled with an urgent desire to aid or to spare. What is the best synonyms for compassionate?
In an urgent situation, a noncommunication board may be used to provide direction or indicate help and support. This type of board has symbols, words and pictures that help first responders communicate with nonverbal individuals. Use pictures that prompt questions or directions like "here to help...