I just had a random idea for a game. One person posts a word, and everyone else posts another word that is a synonym of the word from the last post. The goal is to get to an antonym of the original word. I will start: Happy
I think people are upset that you have to write !in(2, [2,3]) but can't write 2 !in [2,3] 👍 1 Sponsor Member StefanKarpinski commented Aug 21, 2019 Allowing ! before infix word operators (in, isa) seems like it would ok to me. However it's slightly dangerous territory ...
Check out our collection of synonym worksheets geared towards teaching kids words that mean the same thing. A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase, for example shut is a synonym of close.
A moment's drilling by the dentist may make us nervous and upset.Many of us cannot stand pain.To avoid the pain of a drilling that may last perhaps a minute or two, we demand the 'needle'—a shot of no... A. that pain is good for us B. to stop taking the 'needle' at th...
What are two synonyms for homesickness? synonyms for homesickness loneliness. alienation. isolation. longing. unhappiness. rootlessness. yearning for home. What is fernweh? The word fernweh is a combination of the words fern, meaning distance, and wehe, meaningan ache, misery or sickness. It tr...
1 :overturn, upset. 2 : to cause the downfall of : bring down, defeat. 3 : to throw a ball over or past (something or someone, such as a base or a receiver) What does non subdued mean? Non-subdued flag meansthat it is full-colored. For example, red, white and blue for the ...
1.ADJYou use initial to describe something that happens at the beginning of a process.最初的 2.N-COUNT Initials are the capital letters that begin each word of a name. For example, if your full name is Michael Dennis Stocks, your initials are M.D.S. (姓名的)大写首字母 例: ...a ...
Synonyms for fanfare 213 results - racket, fanfaronade, ballyhoo, flourish ... - 28 meanings and 213 other words for the word fanfare
*Sent: The actor was upset by the mordant criticism of the gossip columnist who seemed out to ruin his reputation. nettle a prickly or stinging plant; to arouse displeasure, impatience, or anger; to vex or irritate severely *Syn: peeve, annoy, incense, gall, irk ...
advance, but I had a very stressful day at work and was hoping to spend some time with you alone. I shouldn't have made you stay home, but next time that you make plans I'll make sure not to get upset if you want to keep them. We can always spend time together the next day....