you'll keep getting 4 as a remainder, so the quotient is 28.3 with the 3 repeating forever. To illustrate that, just write the first "3" and place a bar over it to signify it as a repeating value.
Over the years, synonyms have been dismissed by a number of linguists on the grounds that no words have the exact same meaning. This is because of differences in terms ofconnotationand frequency as well as language level and distribution. The wordsynonymis therefore also commonly used for words...
From dressing and eating to family life all traditions and rites are in place to make it easier for people to adhere to the laws that are in the Torah, the word of God given to Moses on Mount Sinai. The chain of tradition forged between God and Abraham will continue as long as the r...
Moravians, the Amish and Mennonites, all of whom spoke German. English Colonists referred to them collectively as "Deutsch," the word for German in
The iris is France's national flower, and a stylized version of the flower is used for the country's insignia and national emblem. The iris, or fleur-de-lis, has been used to represent French royalty since the 13th century and is said to signify perfection, light and life. In heraldic...
Red is a power color that evokes energy, desire, strength and — most often — romantic love, with shades ranging in tone from crimson to tomato. Red symbolizes beauty, courage and heat. Darker red flowers signify love, while bright reds signify passion. The red rose is a classic choice ...