10 The word “context” has another meaning. Synonyms for “context” include “background, conditions, . . . situation.” 10 Цӕмӕй стихрастбамбарӕм, уыйтыххӕй хъуамӕ нӕ зӕрдылдарӕм ахӕм хабӕрттӕ...
the mustard seed, growing into a large tree that provides shelter for many birds. It is recorded in Matthew 13:31-32. The mustard seed is compared to the kingdom of heaven due to its small beginnings and expansive reach at maturity. While the parable contains valuable lessons, it is a...
Classroom debates give students the opportunity to focus solely on one side of an issue or topic. In addition to providing opportunity for research, debates develop public speaking and presentation skills. To organize a classroom debate, provide students with guidelines for topics, arguments and the ...
When you see someone who seems to exist for the sole purpose to care for and be kind to others, or someone who gives up things so another person can have a necessity they lack, the word that comes to mind is humility. A humble individual does things without regard to personal gain. Ex...