Will adding a synonym map for similar terms, boost the search score of the search term that was present inside a synonym map since all the synonyms get matched?
1.A man who strives to be a Sugar Daddybut just doesn't have the funds to pull it off. 2. An older man who dates younger women but nowhere near as wealthy as a "sugar daddy." Not quite the same as the real thing. What's another word for daddy?
Using this combination of methods, we developed and sorted concepts in the faceted search presentation so that relevant search criteria were accessible to users of the online exchange. Word frequency analysis may be a useful method to incorporate in other taxonomy development and presentation when ...
Another confusing issue concerning indefinite pronouns is that they can sometimes be used as adjectives. For practice distinguishing between pronouns and adjectives, play this game. Make word cards for each of the indefinite pronouns. Use two different colors of card stock, each color signifying a d...
the previous word. For example, if the first participant says "yell," the next in line has to come up with an "L" word. All this needs to happen in rhythm to the clapping, so it requires quick thinking. The game starts over when someone says the wrong word or someone misses a ...
Connect with experts and redefine what’s possible at work – join us at the Microsoft 365 Community Conference May 6-8. Learn more > Share Resources
For example, consider the temptations that are present when you are working in an office for long hours with someone who is attractive and meets your needs. If it's not addressed, this situation can lead to emotional dependence. Avoid even going to lunch with a married person you're attract...
Interest rates have a direct impact on the amount of money in circulation. In the United States, the Federal Reserve, or Fed, raises and lowers the discount rate, which is the interest rate that it charges banks for borrowing money, to either constrict or expand the money supply. When the...
for CD. In exchange for your time, you get a CD of digital photographs. There is also PFT.or prints for time. Many professional photographers need unpaid models for a variety of legitimate reasons. You can find local photographers that need models on Craigslist, in the adult help wanted ...
After a while, the actors exchange their duties, since “when people are too well off they always begin to long for something new.” This proves a disaster, since the sausage cannot carry wood, the mouse cannot cook and the bird cannot fetch water. The tale ends with all characters dead...