Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 12 Words Whose History Will Surprise You 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
For example, if you show and call out the worderror,the student who is holding the blue word that is a synonym for error -- in this example,mistake --must call out that word. Then, the student holding the card on which was written the synonym for your card(mistake)flips over his or...
Set the stage for creative fun by involving students in dramatic play. Gather a variety of random objects, such as a shoe, hairbrush, backpack, fork, pen and paper. Fill paper bags with a few of the objects. Divide participants into small groups of three to five students and give them ...
(verbal, situational and dramatic irony; sarcasm; hyperbole and litotes). figurative language can operate at any scale from the sentence level to the entire composition. for example, shakespeare uses analogy in a pithy quotation from "romeo and juliet": “what's in a name? that which we call...
One effective strategy for teacher goal setting with regard to professional development is the setting of smart goals. These goals are designed to be actionable and measurable. The word "smart" stands for specific, measurable, achievable, results orientated and relevant and time bound. Designing goal...
2Use Dramatic Play to Entice Students to be Creative Play a game of charades to empower students to use their minds and bodies to help their team win the game. Select words that apply to a new topic you wish to introduce to the class. For example, if you want to discuss the history ...
The three or more body sentences in your paragraph will be composed of your classification items. Finally, don’t forget to plan space for a concluding sentence. If your paragraph is part of a larger essay, your concluding sentence should act like a bridge between this paragraph and the next...
Making a funny video for a school project starts with a comedic premise. Create a comedy sketch that spirals out of control. Spoof a popular show or movie for a certain laugh. Shoot a period piece and explore the ridiculousness of our past through today'
The first day back to school can be difficult for teachers, especially those teaching junior high and middle school students. It is important to lead the first day off with some enjoyable activities. The first one is a game that helps the students to loo