1a : marked by arrogant assurance : domineering. b : befitting or characteristic of one of eminent rank or attainments : commanding, dominant an imperious manner. 2 :intensely compelling: urgent the imperious problems of the new age— J. F. Kennedy. What is polite disdain? If you feel disd...
What is another word for powerful? In this page you can discover 87 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for powerful, like:mighty, indomitable, omnipotent, influential, strong, dominant, stalwart, dynamical, vigorous, herculean and ruling. What is a Godlet? :godling sco...
the dominant religion in the area. Most people celebrate Name Day, which is much like a birthday, only instead of celebrating the actual date of birth, the celebration centers around the holy day of a person's namesake saint.
particularly car makers -- blamed "sticker shock" for slow sales. By the end of Carter's term, short-term interest rates had peaked at nearly 20 percent. 4Technology and Science The 1970s saw ambitious unmanned expeditions to far-away planets with the Voyager 1 and 2 space probes and Step...
The earliest coats of arms were rudimentary compared with later varieties, generally featuring a single dominant color in bars or fleurs-de-lis and a lion or other creature. Coats of arms became increasingly detailed and ornate with the rising popularity of tournaments throughout the 12th century,...
Going steady isa romantic relationship in which both partners commit to date only each other. ... Going steady continued as a dominant dating pattern through the 1980s, with teenagers beginning to go steady at progressively earlier ages.
every child who lacks confidence doesn't bully others just as every child who bullies doesn't lack confidence. Students who are dominant, confident or have an inflated self-image may also threaten others as a way to gain power. For some students, low self-esteem is a risk factor for being...
Educators should choose unbiased materials when planning their year. Even today, many history and social studies textbooks bend facts to fit a story line that favors the dominant culture, and they often ignore the contributions of ethnic or racial minorities and women. Teachers can avoid this by ...
describes primary and secondary reinforcement, as well as punishment, as the cause of behavior. Operant conditioning was first described by Edward Thorndike and later developed by B.F. Skinner. American behavioral psychology was the dominant paradigm of psychology from the early 1900s through the ...
what they learned. Using this tool at the beginning and end of a reading allows ESL students to feel more comfortable reading the text and participating in a class discussion. Visual aids and graphic organizers allow ESL students to organize new information in ways that are not text-dominant. ...