A synonym is a word having the same or almost the same meaning as another word in the same language, e.g., small and tiny; these two words have similar meanings. Most reading/language arts curriculums cover both antonyms and synonyms. In the early years, easy synonyms are introduced, e...
Interview your partner. Ask questions that you think will result in interesting answers that you can use in your speech to captivate to your audience. Take notes throughout the interview to refer back to later. Cover the basics such as your partner's name, where he is from and what he wa...
A class in Adobe Captivate can help you develop software simulations and software training materials. A course in Microsoft PowerPoint helps you create slide-based presentations you can deliver on a projection screen at public-speaking events.
Using a quote as an attention-getter can lend credibility to your essay. For example, you could find a quote by an expert on your essay's topic and use it to support your thesis. This will show that you've done research for your essay as well as indicate to the reader that your sta...