(linguistic meaning). In the first case, exten-sional synonymy is being considered, for example, “A. S. Pushkin = the author ofEugene Onegin”or “7 + 1 = 23.” In the second case, intensional synonymy is being considered, for example, “huge = enormous” or“A·B = A∧ B,” ...
Explore this article 1Know Your Topic and Guidelines The purpose for an essay varies according to its type, so it's important to know whether you are writing a persuasive essay, an informative essay or some other type. Carefully read the instructions to determine what type of essay is require...
Explore this article 1Music Discussing music and the lyrics to songs is an inclusive subject matter as most people are likely to have something to say about it. Ask participants to translate the names of their favorite songs and explain some of the lyrics. Or you could play some English song...
extremely rare that two words have the exact same meaning – perfect synonyms – as there is often at least one parameter that distinguishes the use of one word from another [2]. For this reason, we typically speak of near-synonyms instead two words that are interchangeable...
Gene Ontology (GO) terms represent the standard for annotation and representation of molecular functions, biological processes and cellular compartments, but a large gap exists between the way concepts are represented in the ontology and how they are exp
Windows has a couple of types of keyboard commands that create accented letters. To use numeric shortcut codes, hold down theAltkey and key in the number that matches the letter. For example, if you typeAlt-0224, you create the letterà; typeAlt-0241to make anñ. ...
Explore this article 1Prepositional Phrase "Mad Libs" "Mad Libs" are word games in which a story has been pre-written but players must fill in the blanks, without knowing the story, to complete the story. When all the blanks have been filled in, the silly story is read aloud. If you...
Explore this article 1Identifying Nouns and Pronouns To classify a word as a noun or pronoun, ask yourself if the word tells who or what the sentence is about. Nouns and pronouns act as the subject of a sentence. A noun is defined as a person, place or thing. For example, "dog," ...
Write a concise summary of the information conveyed in the key sentences. 4Type Type your draft into a word processing document for ease of editing and to establish a word count. 5Revise your draft : trim excess detail Revise your draft: trim excess detail, rephrase overly technical language ...
Explore this article 1Further Meaning The word “orthodox” unifies many churches, including Greek Orthodox, Romanian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox and others. The practices of these churches are largely the same; typically, they differ only in the ethic origins of their parishioners, and perhaps in ...