If you're ready to start writing with synonyms but need a good source for finding them, a good first step is to try this random synonym generator. Maybe you have a set of characters you want to describe or a series of situations you want to compare. This is a good starting place. Ev...
When your elders yelled at you to stop all those shenanigans—or mischief-making behavior—they were effectively telling you to stop acting like a wily fox. The root of the word shenanigans is, given the age of the phrase and the potential contenders, murky at best. What is shenanigans in ...
Telling children stories with ChatGPT My children love stories. I think most kids do, but mine tend to ask for them quite frequently. The parents are to blame for fuelling this.. November 12, 2023 Reflections Then and now When I was a child my mom would often ask my help in th...
For me, it is like butchering them for profit. My cars are my family. They sit quietly, rain or shine. I talk to them. I sing to them. I love The Cars “Drive.” Even though they’re unlocked, I never open their doors. I respect their privacy. There’s one car I revere the...
1Narrative Narrative paragraphs tell the reader events as they occur, much like telling the reader a story. A writer utilizing the narrative method of paragraph development acts as the main character and allows the reader a place in the center of the action. The narrative voice acts as a vehi...
You need to “show” readers rather than “tell” them about your subject. If you say, “It was a hot day,” you're telling. Embellish that idea and show your readers how hot it was: “Beads of sweat trickled from my forehead, and I could feel the sun scorching my body.” Draw...
What you can do is to programatically manage referential integrity - in this case you have to code everything you need, a function would do it. You can pass the value of the pseudo-PK you want to check on the remote database and get a True or False answer telling you if such a row...
a metaphor of farming and harvesting. This encourages members to tithe not only because it helps their church or community, but because God will bless them on a personal level as well. A common Bible story used to teach this concept is Jesus' telling how the poor woman who gave 100 perce...
of telling the future with pebbles in a bowl of water. Though he introduced games of chance to the gods and mortals, he also brings them the means by which they can win. Hermes is called the luck-bringer by Apollo is is made the master of all birds of good omen by his father, ...
Protecting people from the truth is another way of shutting them out. —Blaize Clement Top 10 Covered Up Quotes The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences of class and country. —Robert Baden-Powell ...