mean - stand for - denote - indicate - represent - imply - signify - suggest - insinuate - purport - portend mend - repair - restore - fix - put right - put back together - patch up method - way - manner - technique - process - system - scheme - means - routine - mode ...
Remove all items from the purse so that the sides fold flatter, thus making it easier to clean. Lay it on a flat surface with one of the scuff marks facing upward. Fill a bowl with 2 cups of warm water, and add 1 teaspoon of dish soap. Stir the mixture up gently using a spoon, ...
A country famous for its enthralling rhythms, laid-back culture, sweet drinks and zesty food, Cuba is synonymous with everything you expect from a good party. Recreate the breezy life of the Caribbean at your next party with the right recipes, a few cocktails, appropriate music and Cuban-the...
the back of a knife or another hard object. Pour the crushed aspirin into a mug filled with 1/2 cup of warm water and stir to dissolve it. Pour the aspirin water over the area of the dress that is stained. Let the dress sit for up to 3 hours until you can no longer see the ...