Setting goals can be very helpful when trying to achieve any objective. As a student, you can use these goals to create a schedule for yourself, obtain better grades and eventually graduate. Seeing years and years worth of credits can be intimidating when you start your classes. Breaking it ...
Examples of goals are subcategories such as lifestyle, academic and career goals. Each subcategory offers you a positive outlook on your goals to lead a more happy life. Lifestyle goals help you achieve a healthier life. Academic goals set you up for success in school and college. Career go...
Examples of goals are subcategories such as lifestyle, academic and career goals. Each subcategory offers you a positive outlook on your goals to lead a more happy life. Lifestyle goals help you achieve a healthier life. Academic goals set you up for success in school and college. Career go...
// // This system policy file grants a set of default permissions to all domains // and can be configured to grant additional permissions to modules and other // code sources. The code source URL scheme for modules linked into a // run-time image is "jrt". // // For example, to ...
Opposite of having achieveda goal or set of goals.unsuccessful.ineffectual.ineffective.defeated. What's a big word for rude? 1uncivil, unmannerly, curt, brusque, impertinent, impudent, saucy, pert, fresh. 2 unrefined, uncultured, uncivilized, uncouth, coarse, vulgar, rough. 8 rustic, artless....
= null) { resultSet.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return arrayList; } /** * 同义词库的加载 * @return Reader */ @Override public Reader getReader() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { ArrayList<String> dbData = getDbData(); for (...
synonymdictionary synonymdictionary represents a set of synonym groups, which are groups of words or phrases that are treated as equivalent in users’ searches. you can define synonym groups to optimize search results for acronyms, variations of product names, and other terminology unique to your...
asking students to set goals for the grading period, school year, or even for their future beyond school. Have students write down their goals in either list or paragraph form. Once the students finish this part of the exercise, ask them to highlight all of the future tense verbs they ...
// // This system policy file grants a set of default permissions to all domains // and can be configured to grant additional permissions to modules and other // code sources. The code source URL scheme for modules linked into a // run-time image is "jrt". // // For example, to ...