PURPOSE:To minimize the capacity of a dictionary which stores synonym information by registering both front and rear contact link information for each word and retrieving synonyms based on both link information. CONSTITUTION:Characters are inputted by a keyboard 1 and stored in an input character ...
mean - stand for - denote - indicate - represent - imply - signify - suggest - insinuate - purport - portend mend - repair - restore - fix - put right - put back together - patch up method - way - manner - technique - process - system - scheme - means - routine - mode might ...
applied sciences Article Incorporating Synonym for Lexical Sememe Prediction: An Attention-Based Model Xiaojun Kang 1, Bing Li 1, Hong Yao 1 , Qingzhong Liang 1, Shengwen Li 2,3 , Junfang Gong 2,4 and Xinchuan Li 1,* 1 School of Computer Science, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan...
Pioneers traveled with simple farm wagons with a box about four feet wide, ten feet long and two feet tall. The wagons were made of iron-reinforced hardwoods, such as hickory and oak. The front wheels of the wagons were smaller than the rear wheels, which made turning easier. Cotton coate...