Gene Ontology (GO) terms represent the standard for annotation and representation of molecular functions, biological processes and cellular compartments, but a large gap exists between the way concepts are represented in the ontology and how they are expressed in natural language text. The construction...
friendlyamicableheartycordialb.Withthedevelopmentofhistory,Englishhasbeenusedbymoreandmorepeopleindifferentcountries.TheinfluenceofAmericanEnglishismoreprominentthanthatofanyothercountries,whichisalsoreflectedinsynonyms.BritishEnglishcoachgarageliftcarparklay-bypetroltube AmericanEnglishbusservicestationelevatorparkinglotrest...
just like the U.S. The executive branch is led by the president, who is elected by the people for a single term of six years. The legislative branch is divided into the
The numbers 6 and 12 are important for the people of Israel: Six is for the judgment of the wicked, while 12 is both for the people at rest as well as the number of the original tribes of Israel. In the Old Testament, redemption and wrath came in sets of the numbers 5 and 10: T...
The Indus civilization dates back to 4000 B.C. with prominent cities established by 2700 B.C. The ancient Indian society included well organized cities with public buildings and palaces. Overtaken by the Aryans in 1300 B.C. the Indus culture had the caste system imposed by their captors, ...
If your primary career goal is to model for Calvin Klein, study recent Calvin Klein models, and follow their lead. Using the, research which agencies work with these prominent models, and then apply to them for representation. No experience is necessary to apply, and you do...
Military weapons have a long history, since the dawn of man. Wars and battles for resources and power have caused millions of people to take up arms against each other. From the development of clubs all the way to nuclear weapons, advancements in ways to attack an opponent have led to new...
the church and that each members needs are met so that the needs of the church might be met. They thank God for the finances and resources to minister to the community through the utilization of the church facilities. A plaque might be placed in a prominent place to commemorate the ...
prominentglottal stops. Glottal stops are words that cause speakers to fully close and reopen their vocal folds, such as "better" or "Scotland." Cockney speakers manage these words by dropping the harsh consonants while maintaining the pauses. For example, they might say, "I've gone 'ome to...
Stars are a prominent motif in Polish folk art, and often are incorporated into Christmas decorations. Use paper-cutting techniques learned in the wycinanki project to craft intricate stars with your children. To begin, cut a sheet of white paper into a square. Fold the the paper in half and...