The English language is replete with synonyms in large part because England was invaded by so many different language speakers. Romans, Vikings, and William the Conqueror all played a role to meld a simplified Germanic language with borrowed words from French, Latin and many others. In fact, lo...
Play a traditional Comanche game with modern materials. Originally, the netted hoop for this game was made from reeds and the net from rawhide, but you can substitute a hula hoop instead. For poles, pointed whittled sticks were used in the past, but you can use plastic lawn darts or fall...
Girls have many examples from the Bible, including Mary the mother of Jesus, of positive womanhood. Create cards with biblical passages and three facts about biblical role models. These would include Esther, who was willing to die for her people; Ruth, who left her home to take care of her...
flee:runorhurryawayinemergencyThewolfrolledoverandplayeddeadtoescapecapturebythefarmer.Theylostnotimeinfleeingtheburninghotel.Ⅲ.angryandinfuriatinganger:strongfeelingofdispleasureorhostility Infuriate:makesbextremelyangryInfuriatingly,Ijustmissedtheplane.Iamangrywithmyselfformakingsuchastupidmistake.Ⅳ.country,...
The cartouche (from the modern French for "cartridge") is an oval-shaped ring with a line drawn at the edge of one end, a symbolic interpretation of a tied rope with the excess bundled to the side. As a hieroglyphic symbol in its in own right, the cartouche signifies "name" in ancien...
The Bible references many different peoples who interacted with the Israelites in the ancient world. One of the most politically important groups was the Assyrians, who played a key role in the history of Israel. Ancient Assyria was a powerful empire that kept written records of its own, and...
There are a number of games that can be played with second graders that are both educational and community-building. These games are great for a rainy day and for a fun lesson. They are best played with classes of 10 to 20 kids. ...
they stand still. The player who runs the farthest before running out of breath wins. For the "laughing game," played by the Nootka tribe of the Northwest Coast, players sit opposite each other and try to make each other laugh. The first to do so wins. For the bear, crab, and frog...
Barbados is a Caribbean island with British and African roots. These influences permeate the customs and traditions still enjoyed today. The people of Barbados show respect for their heritage through music, art, dance, food and festivals. These attractions contribute to the tourism industry that serv...