One way to grab the attention of your reader is by implementing a statistic that's relevant to your essay's topic and is rather surprising to your reader. Shocking statistics can be effective in persuasive essays when readers may not have thought about all aspects of one side of the argument...
sometimes known as the hook because it hooks the reader's interest, will create curiosity, empathy or entertain the reader causing them to continue reading the piece. Some ways to do this are to begin with a shocking statement, an emotional story, or humor. Without this, the reader may los...
Butte College warns students the conclusion of the paper should remind the reader of the meaning that was implied throughout the essay. If your conclusion seems shocking or appears to change what you had implied earlier, you will need to make changes. For example, if you describe your dorm r...
Analyze your first attempts at a thesis statement. If the information is not specific, pointed and informational, you need to rework your thesis statement. Examine the thesis statement you have started to make sure it justifies further discussion. A good thesis statement will cause the reader to ...
shocking story you found about an abused child. You can then transition with something like this:\n\nThis story illustrates that child abuse is still a serious problem in the United States. The U.S. government has not done enough to help abused children.\n\nThis would lead naturally ...