AnalysisMode.SEARCH_TIME:AnalysisMode.ALL;this.environment=env;}@OverridepublicAnalysisModegetAnalysisMode(){returnthis.analysisMode;}@OverridepublicTokenStreamcreate(TokenStreamtokenStream){thrownewIllegalStateException("Call getChainAwareTokenFilterFactory to specialize this factory for an analysis chain first"...
null : (Analyzer)this.cachedAnalyzer.computeIfAbsent(analyzer, (key) -> { try { return ((AnalyzerProvider)provider.get(this.environment, key)).get(); } catch (IOException var4) { IOException ex = var4; throw new ElasticsearchException("failed to load analyzer for name " + key, ex, new...
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Call getChainAwareTokenFilterFactory to specialize this factory for an analysis chain first at com.bellszhu.elasticsearch.plugin.synonym.analysis.DynamicSynonymTokenFilterFactory.create( at org.elasticsearch.index.analysis.CustomAnalyzer....
Join us for SAS Innovate 2025, our biggest and most exciting global event of the year, in Orlando, FL, from May 6-9. Sign up by March 14 for just $795. Register now! How to Concatenate Values Learn how use the CAT functions in SAS to join values from multiple variables into a sing...
In Oracle PLSQL Synonym is an alternative name for objects such as tables, views, sequences, stored procedures and other database objects.
Synonym map for similar terms Will adding a synonym map for similar terms, boost the search score of the search term that was present inside a synonym map since all the synonyms get matched?
So I would use "university lecturer"; it may not be your job title, but you do (I presume) actually deliver lectures, people will probably understand it better than "assistant professor", and it is a title some other institutions would use for your current rank. In the UK at least (an...
And oh, no more Porky Pig Pills unless it’s a long weekend and I’m tied to a chair. Definition courtesy of “Silva Rhetoricae” ( Buy a print edition of The Daily Trope! The print edition is entitled The Book of Tropes and is available on Amazon for $9.99. Share...
Thanks for the info John. I forgot that this was possible. This does, however, illustrate how inconsistent access to keyword info is in LR and reinforces the idea that keyword management in LR desperately needs a redo. -louie Votes
The female of Necroscia haanii Kirby, 1904 is briefly redescribed, the male and egg are described for the first time; all are illustrated. The type material of N. haanii is discussed, and a lectotype is selected. Aruanoidea schoenbergi Redtenbacher, 1908 is a new synonym of N. haanii...