One attributes to a person or thing something believed, usually on good grounds, to belong to it or to be appropriate to it, such as a quality, a character, or a value, or something for which that person or thing is judged to be responsible or accountable,. ”If he disclaime d the ...
A transmutation circle is a sigil or sign for a specific magical purpose. The sigil combines a complex combination of symbols and text to reach a goal or purpose as predetermined by an alchemist. 5How the Circle is Used Today The transmutation circle owes part of its modern popularity to the...
3Power Over Horses In addition to oceans and earthquakes, Poseidon was the god of horses and held influence over all things equine. He rode across the sea on a golden chariot drawn by hippocampi, also known as aquatic horses, and myths tell of him fathering numerous magical horses. He sedu...
3Power Over Horses In addition to oceans and earthquakes, Poseidon was the god of horses and held influence over all things equine. He rode across the sea on a golden chariot drawn by hippocampi, also known as aquatic horses, and myths tell of him fathering numerous magical horses. He sedu...