disinterested, inert, impartial, unconcerned, uncommitted, inactive, undecided, indifferent, aloof, calm, clinical, collected, cool, detached, disengaged, dispassionate, easy, evenhanded, fair-minded, impersonal.What is the synonym for absent?Some...
Close-minded ––not wanting to consider ideas that are not like your own Discriminative ––being unequal in your treatment of different types of people Elitist ––viewing people without wealth, money, or power as inferior Exclusory––preventing someone from participating Exclusive ––not allowin...
grandiose, highfalutin. (also hifalutin), high-minded, la-di-da. How do you say someone is very good? We often say someone is very well or something is of high quality or really good using the word “excellent”. What can I say instead of good for you? 40 Ways to Say “Good for...
Whether you're writing a persuasive article to be distributed to a group of like-minded people or one that will be seen by people of many different opinions, keep in mind a sense of ethical writing. When writing persuasively, the primary point of ethics is not to try and pass your creati...
Now, there are lots of synonyms for preoccupied, but I wouldn't use them when describing yourself in the past tense like this. I would use them to describe someone else, "Are you okay? You seemed kind of absent-minded last night." or yourself in present tense. "I'm sorry, I'm jus...
It isn't enough to put yourself out there among people -- you need a way to break the ice, says Hartwell-Walker. If you find yourself waiting with a classmate before a class, say something like "How did you find the last assignment?" Each week, talk a bit more until you become fam...
What are two synonyms for adaptable? Some common synonyms of adaptable are ductile, malleable, plastic, pliable, and pliant. What is a word for empathy? In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for empathy, like: compassion, sympathy, insight...
have special skills, like leadership, management, research, or communication." For example, if your goal is to be a judge, you can write about how fair-minded and unbiased you are. Make certain to provide evidence in the form of specific examples to support every personal quality you ...
Outburst and Charades for hours of wholesome fun. If a church has a gym they can play indoor games like Volleyball, Bible Baseball and Balloon Relays. Games like Pop the Balloon are fast-paced fun for people of all ages. Pop the Balloon is simple to play. Give everyone a balloon and so...
passionately pleaded for women's education in her 1892 piece "Solitude of Self." She compares obstacles to women's education to "putting out the eyes; to deny [our] rights ... is like cutting off the hands." These vivid similes arise from her conviction about the justice of educational ...