Represents a set of synonym groups, which are groups of words or phrases that are treated as equivalent in users’ searches. You can define synonym groups to optimize search results for acronyms, variations of product
A Closer Look at Cross‐functional R&D Cooperation for Innovativeness: Innovation‐oriented Leadership and Human Resource Practices as Driving Forces Because cross‐functional research and development (R&D) cooperation appears to drive innovation, many firms have invested considerably in it. However, des....
Is the word "proficient" really the best one to use on your resume? Let's go over the best ways to ditch that buzzword for a substantial one.
according to the National Association for Single Sex Public Education website. Along with enhancing natural skills, single-gender classes can help girls develop assertiveness and leadership by incorporating activities and training methods that encourage daring. This type...
If your school provides options for teachers to expand their knowledge, say so in your ad. Likewise, if you have a promotion-from-within policy for teachers to be promoted into school administration positions, describe opportunities for professional development, continuing education and leadership ...
One of the biggest indicators of intelligence is the ability for one to interact with the surrounding environment. This does not only refer to a physical environment. Interactions with the surrounding social environment can come into play as well. However, intelligent people will learn how to inter...
relatedness needs, which deal with a person’s aspirations for the maintenance of interpersonal relationships, as well as a need for recognition and fame. The highest level of needs is the growth category, which is about an individual’s need for self-development, advancement and personal growth...
シノニムグループ (ユーザーの検索で同義とされる語または句の集合) のセットを表します。シノニムグループを定義して、頭字語、商品名のバリエーション、および組織に固有のその他の用語の検索結果を最適化できます。
Writing an autobiography in the third person can be a challenging creative writing exercise as well as a practical necessity for career development. Many companies expect you to write in third person when you describe your accomplishments. This manner of
relating to a given subject area or skill. For example, a construction-and-design center might have wooden blocks, interlocking bricks, toy cars and trucks, plastic links and connecting tubes. Label all materials in each center with the name and a picture to promote literacy development. ...