Reimbursement: Private health insurers or public payers (CMS, VA, etc.) mayreimburse the insured for expenses incurred from illness or injury, or pay the provider directly for services rendered. It is often misunderstood that coverage of a condition equates to full reimbursement for these services...
shenanigan \shuh-NAN-ih-gun\ noun. 1 :a devious trick used especially for an underhand purpose. 2 a : tricky or questionable practices or conduct — usually used in plural. b : high-spirited or mischievous activity — usually used in plural. What is malarkey slang for? According to Oxfor...
So I would use "university lecturer"; it may not be your job title, but you do (I presume) actually deliver lectures, people will probably understand it better than "assistant professor", and it is a title some other institutions would use for your current rank. In the UK at least (an...
to advocate for the integration of culture into common country programming exercises has also been strengthened. 与此同时,联合国教 科文组织倡议将文化纳入 共 同国别方案制定工作的能力亦得到了加强。 At the same time, the Police have carried out some successful...
Compose an introductory paragraph. This paragraph will lay out your thesis for the essay and provide some basic background information on the subject. Include a sentence or two suggesting why this topic is important. Write the body of the essay, creating a paragraph out of each sentence in you...
Reading and understanding a college transcript isn't difficult once you learn how the transcript is laid out and what the acronyms and abbreviations stand for. Most colleges and universities use the semester system, but some schools and online universities use quarterly or monthly systems. Regardless...
Understand that no one is as self-critical as a Virgo. She is hypercritical of herself, which can sometimes result in her being hypercritical of those around her. This can be very irritating for more laid back types, especially considering that the majority of human beings have neither the ca...
economist considers when evaluating a country's industry. The conceptual framework thus consists of the ideas that are used to define research and evaluate data. Conceptual frameworks are often laid out at the beginning of a paper or an experiment description for a reader to understand the methods...
When the muezzin, a kind of Islamic public crier, calls Muslims to pray, he does it in two steps: The adhan is the first step and is the actual call to prayer and acts as a reminder for those outside to go into the mosque to pray. The iqama is the second stage, marking the begi...
This one hung for at least 400 years in Notre-Dame Cathedral in Bayeux. The tapestry is like a giant embroidered scroll that tells a story when it is fully laid out. Yet, few castle walls could provide the gallery to view the scores of scenes depicted on its panels. The tapestry itself...