For example:smell = scent = arom a = fragrance.If a synonym is slightly different from another word, note the difference: perfume (for women) = cologne (for men). A. Matching. For each word in italics, circle the word that is closest in meaning. Look back at the reading for help....
26. hard-working=assiduous (someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly 27. Difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts) 28. Poor (soil) =barren, infertile (used to describe the soil is so poor that plants...
If you are studying for the vocabulary portion of an exam, our vocabulary study game is the way to go. Personally, I passed many a vocab exam using this method. It works! Word Games: The Sea Scrambler and WORDTIGO To playWORDTIGOyou move to rotate the antonyms into the target before ...
"The search for synonyms is a well-established classroom exercise, but it is as well to remember thatlexemesrarely (if ever) have exactly the same meaning. ... There are usually stylistic, regional, emotional, or other differences to consider. ... Two lexemes might be synonymous in one s...
Thetokenizerparameter controls the tokenizers that will be used to tokenize the synonym, this parameter is for backwards compatibility for indices that created before 6.0. Theignore_caseparameter works withtokenizerparameter only. Two synonym formats are supported: Solr, WordNet. ...
Represents a set of synonym groups, which are groups of words or phrases that are treated as equivalent in users’ searches. You can define synonym groups to optimize search results for acronyms, variations of product
For example, if you show and call out the worderror,the student who is holding the blue word that is a synonym for error -- in this example,mistake --must call out that word. Then, the student holding the card on which was written the synonym for your card(mistake)flips over his or...
To reject an autocorrect keyboard suggestion on the iPhone, simply tap the bubble that contains the suggested word. The word disappears from the text area. The Reject Keyboard Suggestion feature works the same way in iOS 7 as in iOS 6. If you have problems using autocorrect, you can disable...
Create a directory at filepath. Automatically creates parents and does not throw if already exists (works like Linux mkdir -p).(IOS only): The NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey property can be provided to set this attribute on iOS platforms. Apple will reject apps for storing offline cache data ...
In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for build-on, like: extend, add (on) to, develop, rest on, build-upon,