Having a (specified) intention. Expressing some intention or significance; meaningful. (3).牛津词典synonymmeaning a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close ...
(able to) Opposite of having the necessary power, skill, or opportunity to do something. unable. unfit. incompetent. inadequate.Ability|Able|About|Above|Accept And Or Vs Except|Meaning in Hindi English|Sentence|Synonym Antonym17 related questions found Will be able means? DEFINITIONS4. used ...
"word having the same sense as another," early 15c.,synoneme,sinonyme, from Old Frenchsynonyme(12c.) and directly from Late Latinsynonymum, from Greeksynōnymon"word having the same sense as another," noun use of neuter ofsynōnymos"having the same name as, synonymous," fromsyn-"togethe...
Elitist ––viewing people without wealth, money, or power as inferior Exclusory––preventing someone from participating Exclusive ––not allowing people to participate in certain activities because of their differences (for example, race, sex, age, etc.) Homogenous ––having the same kind of ...
What is a synonym for then again? but in spite of that.even so.havingsaid that. in spite of that. nonetheless. Is contradictorily a word? con·tra·dic·to·ry adj. 1.Involving, of the nature of, or being a contradiction: contradictory reports about the vaccine's effectiveness. See ...
One attributes to a person or thing something believed, usually on good grounds, to belong to it or to be appropriate to it, such as a quality, a character, or a value, or something for which that person or thing is judged to be responsible or accountable,. ”If he disclaime d the ...
A synonym is a word having the same or almost the same meaning as another word in the same language, e.g., small and tiny; these two words have similar meanings. Most reading/language arts curriculums cover both antonyms and synonyms. In the early years, easy synonyms are introduced, e...
Practising daily with Synonym and Antonym exercises will help you prepare for the IELTS Writing sections and increase your IELTS vocabulary and refine your knowledge of words.
A brilliant man at a crossroads, Faustus, having received every academic accolade, begins demon-summoning and astrology; readers immediately doubt his brilliance. His most obvious character trait is his hubris, god-defying pride that destroyed many a Greek protagonist. He seeks knowledge for power,...
14.A method for discovering latent relationships in data, the method comprising:obtaining a first set of records from a first health-records system, the first health-records system having a first structure corresponding to the organization of the first set of records and comprising a set of unifi...