26. hard-working=assiduous (someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly 27. Difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts) 28. Poor (soil) =barren, infertile (used to describe the soil is so poor that plants...
39. pendulum: a long metal stick with a weight at the bottom that swings regularly from side to side to control the working af a clockn.钟摆 10 coinidental: naoporina compietar by chance withour being planned adi巧合的 41. disobey: to refuse to do what someone with authority tells yo...
Determined - hardworking or diligent Smart - bright, brilliant, intelligent, or sharp Rich - wealthy, well-to-do, or well-off Mean - unfriendly, difficult, or unpleasant. Cheerful - positive, having a good mood, or being happy Read Synonym | Overview, Definition & Importance Lesson Recommende...
(vanished/appeared, support/hold, four/for, etc.)2. Place all 60 index cards in the middle of the playing area.3. Place the 3 hula hoops on the perimeter of the playing area.Index cardsHula hoopStudentsDirections:1. Tell students they will be working on homophones, synonyms and antonyms...
one card per student -- don't forget one for yourself. Have students look at theblueword on the card they hold. Start the game by showing and calling out theredword on your card. The students must look at their cards to see who has the blue word that is a synonym for the word you...
In this page you can discover 78 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for occupied, like:engaged, engrossed, utilized, inhabited, tenanted, working, entertained, in-use, leased, populated and busy. What is a synonym for last minute?
Hephaestuswas the Greek god of fire, blacksmiths, craftsmen, and volcanoes. He lived in his own palace on Mount Olympus where he crafted tools for the other gods. He was known as a kind and hardworking god, but also had a limp and was considered ugly by the other gods. ...
” Together with his team, he is working hard to conduct in-depth research in both areas. This is a trend which French ski brand Rossignol has also identified, whereby it has focused on the use of raw and recycled materials for the production of its new Black Ops Freeride skis. The ...
Thank you for your reply@romseygeek Synonyms are created by people in the organization and loaded into a new index every 3 hours. Since we're not in full control of this (huge) file, plus the people that enter them don't have any knowledge of Elasticsearch internals, it's hard to filt...
aI am not sure now about our relationship. You seem to be changing your mind.. Since neither of us are religious, since we both are moral people, and since we both are working towards having a reltaionship, leading towards marriage I don't understand the problem. Do you think that if...