How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay
To make something better. The company used new technology to enhance production.让某件事情更好。该公司使用新技术来提高产量。Starting an at-home yoga practice can be good for retirees. Starting an at-home yoga practice can benefit retirees.开始在家练习瑜伽对退休人员是有益的。开始在家练习瑜伽可以...
Let’s return to our synonym example for good. If you want to call something good, you can also call it fine or excellent. However, while good, fine, and excellent are all similar, there are some subtle differences: Fine tends to have a lesser degree of good, while excellent tends to...
▲ Opposite of a lack or deficiency of something. presence. existence. incidence. What word is synonym to prudent? Some common synonyms of prudent are judicious, sage, sane, sapient, sensible, and wise. While all these words mean "having or showing sound judgment," prudent suggests the exerci...
I wantto swimas well assunbatheat the beach. When “as well as” means something else The meaning ofas well asdiscussed in all the previous sections is by far the most common meaning in current usage, but it is idiomatic (it represents a special usage of the words involved that is not...
Mix up the cards and distribute them to students, one card per student -- don't forget one for yourself. Have students look at theblueword on the card they hold. Start the game by showing and calling out theredword on your card. The students must look at their cards to see who has...
What is a synonym for smitten? Synonyms of 'smitten' I was utterly infatuated by her.charmed.captivated.beguiled.bewitched. What is the synonyms and antonyms of smitten? smitten. adjective. ['ˈsmɪtən'] (used in combination) affected by something overwhelming. Synonyms. stricken. struck...
Both“能néng”and “会huì”have one of the meaning is ability. When to express the ability for doing something through learning, both of them can be used, but “会huì”is used more. Examples:(1) Tā huì yóu yŏng. 他 会 游 泳。 He can swim.(2) Tā néng yóu ...
1.ADJYou use initial to describe something that happens at the beginning of a process.最初的 2.N-COUNT Initials are the capital letters that begin each word of a name. For example, if your full name is Michael Dennis Stocks, your initials are M.D.S. (姓名的)大写首字母 例: ...a ...
One attributes to a person or thing something believed, usually on good grounds, to belong to it or to be appropriate to it, such as a quality, a character, or a value, or something for which that person or thing is judged to be responsible or accountable,. ”If he disclaime d the ...