What are synonyms for personnel? Synonyms of personnel force, help, labor force, manpower, pool, staff, workforce. What is the example of manpower? The definition of manpower is the strength or force of a human, or the combined strength of a group of people. An example of manpower is...
Choose the Right Synonym forwaver Verb waver,swing,sway,oscillate,vibrate,fluctuate,undulatemean to move from one direction to its opposite. waver stresses irregular motion suggestive of reeling or tottering. the exhausted runner wavered before collapsing ...
evict. verb. to legally force someone to leave the house they are living in, usually because they have not paid their rent. What a means not present? (grammar) Not of or pertaining to the present. A nonpresent tense. adjective. Not present; absent. adjective. What does the opposite of ...
Vocabulary is an important topic for proper communication. Synonym is defined as a word which gives the same or nearly identical meaning of another word.Answer and Explanation: Vanquished is a verb used to express a gain of control of something by force. This word is commonly used in battle...
What does it mean to subjugate a country? : to defeat and gain control of (someone or something) by the use of force : to conquer and gain the obedience of (a group of people, a country, etc.)Similar questions 29Where did the word disenfranchise come from? 18Who invented disenfranchis...
1 :to separate or set apart from othersor from the general mass : isolate. 2 : to cause or force the separation of (as from the rest of society) intransitive verb. 1 : separate, withdraw. What is the closest synonym? adj.near, nearby. adj.dense, cramped. adj.accurate, precise. adj...
synonyms for last-minute slow.backward.behind.belated.blown. What means constricted? transitive verb. 1a :to make narrow or draw together Smoking constricts blood vessels. b : compress, squeeze constrict a nerve These shoes are too small and they constrict my feet. 2 : to stultify, stop, or...
1a :to beat with or asif with a rod or whip The sailors were flogged for attempting a mutiny. b : to criticize harshly He was flogged in the press for failing to take action. 2 : to force or urge into action : drive. Is it gung ho or gung ho?