Exclusive ––not allowing people to participate in certain activities because of their differences (for example, race, sex, age, etc.) Homogenous ––having the same kind of nature Incomplete ––not finished, not whole Isolationist ––not wanting to be part of the interest of other groups ...
Practising daily with Synonym and Antonym exercises will help you prepare for the IELTS Writing sections and increase your IELTS vocabulary and refine your knowledge of words.
The adjective appealingdescribes someone who is able to attract interest or is easy to like. For example, your easy sense of humor and way of making people feel comfortable make you appealing to friends old and new. If you are appealing, people want to be around you. What is a restrained...
For example, if you show and call out the worderror,the student who is holding the blue word that is a synonym for error -- in this example,mistake --must call out that word. Then, the student holding the card on which was written the synonym for your card(mistake)flips over his or...
What is the word for minimizing someone's feelings? belittleAdd to list Share. To belittle means to put down, or to make another person feel as though they aren't important. Saying mean things about another person literally makes them feel "little." To belittle someone is a cruel way of...
I'm sincerely looking forward to this 'Spirit' portion of our #obfwellness series. It's intended to be a space for reflection and taking care of our 'self' with habits that cultivate the soul. So today we're kicking off with a topic I feel resonates on a
1Lodging a Complaint 2Feel to lodge a compliant with the U.S. Postmaster General Feel free to lodge a compliant with the U.S. Postmaster General. The postal service states that mail should be received by 5 p.m. local time. Mail is considered late if it is not been received during ...
So I would use "university lecturer"; it may not be your job title, but you do (I presume) actually deliver lectures, people will probably understand it better than "assistant professor", and it is a title some other institutions would use for your current rank. In the UK at least (an...
Steps for trianing the model from scratch: Step 1: Training the inductive context prediction model: Step 2: Training the final ranking model: > bash train_surfcon.sh If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us! Also, feel free to check other tools in our group (https://...